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Birthstone Chart - Read about your Birthstone
By Natalie Inger

Each month of the year has a birthstone associated with it, and each gem brings with it a unique history and set of legends. Birthstone jewelry can make a very thoughtful and personal gift. The following is a brief description of each birthstone.

January: Garnet jewelry, most commonly a coy crimson red color, also comes in a variety of other colors from bright oranges and yellows to glowing green and muted earth tones. The Garnet stone represents faith, health, and good fortune, and is thought to exert a calming influence on its wearer. Garnet jewelry is said to give peaceful sleep and protect its owner from nightmares.

February: Amethyst gems come in pretty purple shades from lilac to deep violet; reflecting the traditional colors worn by royalty. Amethyst jewelry supposedly wards off the ‘heady’ effects of wine, and is rumored to sharpen one’s mind and improve intellect. Amethysts also symbolize good humor and wit.

March: Aquamarine is a beautiful transparent pale blue stone, which is said to bestow courage in times of adversity. The gem, whose color reminds us of the ocean, brings its wearer a sense of serenity and strength.

April: The Diamond birthstone represents romance, mystery and passion. Once an adornment worn only by kings, the timeless diamond gem is the ultimate token of brilliance and affection.

May: Known as the gem of Spring, Emeralds are considered to boost fertility and have protective powers. This glowing green stone was thought to give insight into the future. Emerald jewelry is often gifted to travelers, so that they might have safe long and prosperous journeys.

June: In all of their memorizing iridescence, Pearls bestow the gift of clarity and light on their owners. Pearl jewelry symbolizes modesty and purity. Pearls are also believed to be a window into a wearer’s inner beauty.


July: Ruby: like a perfect red rose, the color of the ruby denotes love and passion. In medieval times, it was believed that ruby jewelry had magical powers in warding against evil. The ruby stone was thought to have turned darker when danger was near, and it was also thought that the gem would be restored to its natural color once danger had passed.

August: The Peridot symbolizes luck and success. According to the legends of Egyptian kings, in order for Peridot to exert its fullest power, it must be set in gold and hung around one’s neck. Only then can it ward off evil.

September: Sapphire stones are powerful bringers of faith and good fortune. Known as the Gem of Autumn, ancient kings believed that merely looking upon a Sapphire pendant would bring good luck.

October: Opals come in varying shades of soft colors which make each and every opal unique. In olden days it was believed that contained within a single amulet of opal, was the power to see the future. Opal jewelry is thought to possess magical powers.

November: Derived from the Latin word for “lemon,” Citrine stones are delicately colored yellow and orange gems that symbolize generosity. Citrine jewelry is thought to help its wearer safeguard and keep secrets. Citrine has been regarded throughout history as a stone of mystery and subtly.

December: Associated with Jupiter, the god of the sun, Topaz is a beautifully entrancing gem that is sometimes colored amber-golden-brown but can also come in blue and pink as well. The ancient Egyptians believed that Topaz had the power to protect the faithful from harm. If a Topaz wearer was not protected by the stone, it was then assumed that he or she had been unfaithful.

Natalie Inger  Read more about any of these birthstones at the Jewelry Resource.  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Natalie_Inger


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