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Garnet Jewelery
By Michael J Moore

There are a number of factors to consider when buying garnet jewelery.

Firstly always ensure you buy garnets from a trustworthy dealer or jeweler. Preferably one who specializes in precious gemstones and garnets in particular if possible.

Many gemstones are heat treated, including garnets. This is done to bring out the colors more and sometimes to even change the color of a stone. Find out if the stone has been heat treated in anyway. Also if it has been irradiated, coated or dyed. Sometimes these treatments will devalue the stone but other times may even increase the value.

Check the color of the stone. Generally speaking the deeper the color or hue the more valuable the stone will be. The gemstone should be near perfect with no visible flaws visible to the naked eye. The surface should reflect light and the stone have perfect clarity. There should be no visible flaws or scratches on the surface of the stone.

Make sure you can examine the stone from all sides and angles. Turn it over in your hand. Also try and get the opportunity to examine the stone in natural light. Many gemstones will change tone or even color in artificial light.

Pure genuine garnets are not cheap. If you are offered a cheap garnets it is most likely not genuine but a fake.

If possible get a certificate stating the type, quality and details of the stone from the dealer. Make sure it is very specific. If at anytime you discover the stone is not as described you want to be able to return it and get a refund so ensure the dealer has a returns policy that allows for this.

If the stone has been set in a ring or other metal ensure that you can see the back of the stone. This is important as if the back is blocked off then there will be limited light able to shine through and the stone will not look as good. A stone should have a claw setting and not be glued in place. Glue can deteriorate over time and the stone be lost.

Taking the above factors into consideration will assist to finding and keeping your garnet jewelery for many years to come.


Further information is available at http://allaboutgarnets.org Permission to use this article is granted provided the link and acknowledgement of the author are included.  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Moore


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